Jeff Dempler missed last year’s Ride + Style because he was at bike school in PDX. Which is why I was stoked when he got an invite to ride in it this year. Jeff has been pushing pedals for as long as I can remember, and was a really big influence to my riding when we 1st got into fixed. I love looking at different rider’s trick faces, JeffyD always has his tongue sticking out.
Joe McKeag was on a whole other level at this year’s Red Bull Ride + Style Comp. Throwing huge 5’s and crispy truck drivers off the big box jump like it was easy. All I have to say about McKeag’s riding is “Damn”. I couldn’t believe some of the tricks that were going down, the difference between BMX and Fixed Freestyle is quickly fading.
Corey San Agustin better known as “Pissy” (for reasons we won’t go into) was in SF for the Red Bull Ride + Style Event last weekend. And I’m sure glad he was, he’s one funny ass dude. Both him and Matt Spencer showed up to the even on their new 26″ bikes. There were only 3 people that I can think of that rode 29ers in the event. That number sure has dwindled down since last year.
Ape man Justin “Congo” Mitchell laid it down thick at this year’s Red Bull Ride + Style. This picture of him hitting a wallride in front of the judges came out too fresh. I can’t wait to see people start sticking inverted wallrides.
John Watson took this picture of me spinning a 360 over the fun box at this years Red Bull Ride + Style last weekend. I finished in 4th place, and had a blast kicking it with all my friends I never get to see. I wish we had more time to ride the ramps, find lines, play around on these brightly painted beasts. The artists this year really came through w/ some great artwork, that helped tie all the ramps together. I wonder what they’re doing w/ all the ramps from this year? Put em’ in Golden Gate Park, just saying.
Kenny Arimoto slammed down so hard at the Red Bull Ride + Style event, that he silenced the crowd, and knocked himself out cold. I cringed as I saw him get caught up on the rail and plummet towards the ground. He was carried out on a stretcher by the paramedics, and later returned pissed off that he broke his shoulder and was unable to ride. Kenny had everyone standing on their toes, and leaning off the edge of their seat his entire run. Heal up soon man.
Miles Mathia has been kicking it at my pad while he’s in town for the Red Bull Ride + Style event last weekend. Miles killed it in his 1st run of the day sticking tricks back to back w/ the greatest of ease. It looked like he was going to be a clear contender for the title. Until he wrecked his shoulder falling from a 540 in his 2nd run. Heal up and get back on that bike soon buddy.
Here’s a photo of Addison Zawada in hot pursuit of Walter Brush on the final lap of the Red Bull Ride + Style Track Race. Shortly after barreling through the wooden berm, Addison managed find a hole and overtake Brush, in one of the most anticipated & gripping races of the day. I think it was clear to everyone from the start, that Addison would be a tough competitor to keep at bay. Congratulations to everyone who competed, I can’t wait to see what Red Bull will roll out next year.