We’re always looking for a new roof to ride on and lucky for us Portland’s downtown is packed full of empty parking garages. All of which have an elevator that takes you straight to the top. Ideal for most hang out situations, we highly recommend you check your local listings and find a parking structure near you. Just because it’s built for cars doesn’t mean we can’t have our fun.
420 is a special time of year in San Francisco. It’s celebrated as a national Holiday in The City. We celebrated in our own way by meeting up at the Island (as usual) and riding around until the 420 Alley Cat that they held the day before Mission Crit. Check out that video HERE. Chris “Thrasher” is outta control with those triangle stands downhill. Enough to make your palms sweat just watching the man. Andy sparks stays in the mix and Keo Kid is way too good with those back pedals. It was great having a bunch of people from outta town here for the big crit in The City. Mission Crit is going to be on 420 this year (2019) so mark your calendar and we’ll see you there.
With everyone in town for Mission Crit and it being the day after 420, we decided to get the gang together and have a chill session in The Sunset. We warmed up at the skatepark on 42nd Ave (Watch that video HERE) then packed up the van and headed to SF State for the rest of the afternoon. Jimmy ripped his shirt off his body, Deacon live streamed everything on snapchat and we hung out with a scooter kid for once. This plus much more in this one day video, stop reading and just hit play.
Last weekend we hosted a ride / video premiere for everyone up here in Portland. We wanted to give the community a chance to see the Super Bowl Sunday video they’re in before we released it online. It seemed like a good excuse to get the crew together, and with weather in the 70’s it worked out beautifully.
We kicked things off where we usually do. Underneath the westside of the Burnside bridge, and after a couple quick brews we hit the streets in force. We made our way south along the hillside and headed to Sellwood Park so that Ernie could hop outta the my bag and rip around with some of his dog homies. He’s glad we made the pitstop. After that we cruised to Chrome PDX for drinks & the premiere of 2 new Track bike videos. The “Super Bowl Sunday” feature and an unreleased fixie video filmed in San Francisco. I’ll be getting that one online in the next coming weeks so keep your eyes peeled and as always, check out a bunch more photos below. Cheers. We’ll see you at the next one.
It’s Super Bowl Sunday here in Portland and this is the 4th year in a row that we’ve assembled the community to ride bikes and cause a ruckus instead of watching the big game. Bikes > Football. It’s a special time of year and we always use it as a good excuse to get out and film a day video. I always bring a football (which we lost in the river), some jerseys and whatever other sports props I can find. It’s never much, but it’s always enough to make things a little more interesting.
With more than 20 of Portland’s finest + Jacob Ruff who came down from Seattle to ride, we kicked things off right and kept the good times going. There’s a strong contingency of riders lurking around PDX. More and more keep coming out of the woodwork and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down. Keep your eyes peeled for more coming out of the Pacific Northwest, and if you live in Portland lets ride sometime. Press play, check out a bunch of screenshots below.
What started out as me linking up to ride with Christian Shultz turned into me trying to get a group ride going at the last minute. I didn’t expect much of a turn out. In fact I didn’t expect a turnout at all, but I figured this was as good a chance as any to at least get the ball rolling on the whole idea. I want to get a more regular fixie meetup going here in Portland. Especially as the days get longer the countdown to summer begins.
We met up under the Burnside bridge, I let Ernie outta the bag to take a quick poo. After which he felt lighter in my backpack. We cruised around downtown for a hot minute make more stops than miles ridden. I caught a bunch of great photos of both Christian & Ryan Jennings’ track builds. I’ll have a bunch of photos of Ryan’s bike coming real soon, so keep your eyes peeled. Somehow we managed to stumbled across the Women’s March right as it was beginning it’s walk through town. I jumped into the mix and caught a couple quick snapshots of some of people in the crowd. The Trump & Putin sign was definitely a fan favorite. Portland loves to protest. We’ll have to get another one of these rides happening real real soon. Aiming for the next week or two I’ll keep y’all posted.
Ramon Antonio recently built up this pretty pink Master Bike Co frameset and I must say it sure does photograph beautifully. Not only is it photogenic, but it rides like a dream. The rear end is so short it makes pulling up to hop snappy and effortless. Don’t just take my word for it, take a look at some of these shots of Ramon taking it out for a spin.
The sun doesn’t come out much here in Portland, but when it does we try to make the most of it. Except for today. Today it was amazing outside and I hardly left the house. But that’s neither here nor there. Fingers crossed for more sunny days to come. I’ll have to do a bike check of his new build real soon, until then check out more photos from our day out below.
It’s the final countdown. With only hours left until we rang in the new year, Ramon Antonio III and I grabbed our track bikes and went for a cold jaunt around the neighborhood. After a while of roaming around, we stumbled across this open junk yard stacked full of pallets. We hung out and spent probably 20 minutes there shooting Ramon’s bike. There’s nothing better than exploring new places and riding without a destination.
It’s been awhile since Ramon had a fully functioning track build. We’ve been riding FGFS for so long we almost forgot how easy it is to pedal something with 28c tires and full leg extension. His Leader 721-TR looks hard with the flat black everything. Ninja mode at night. Check out more photos below.