Skratch Labs Portables

June 3, 2013

Cycling, food, and beer. If you don’t thinks these three things go together like peas in a pod then you haven’t ridden yourself to the point of being completely drained. If you have, and you know the horrendous feeling of a bonk, or the magnificence of a cold beer after a hot ride, then this post is for you! For too long of a time I have forced gels, and dense protein bars down my throat during rides to keep me fueled. I say “forced” because these unappealing foods made eating while riding a chore and something I would tend to forget out until it was too late. I was tired of this and slowly started going back to “normal” food, food that I could easily make and would look forward to eating. It started with just bringing a banana and a Nutella sandwich, but then I saw Skratch Labs was releasing a second book all about portables. I got on the preorder, and as soon as the book arrived I was excited and immediately wanted to make something.



 The first thing I decided to make was the raspberry mint rice cakes. These were, simply put, amazing! It was different being on the bike and enjoying the food I was eating. It was a total surprise, however, that I constantly wanted more because the flavor was so good. This book is not only filled with great recipes, but also has a lot of nutritional information. The detail that they take in explaining the role hydration plays in your nutritional intake was something I had never taken into consideration before. I feel like not only are my rides healthier now because I know exactly what is in the food that I am ingesting, but it’s also easier to stay hydrated now as well. Yes, your food can keep you hydrated.

I recommend this book for anyone that is tired of their typical gels and bars, or if you have stomach issues while eating on long rides.


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