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Mike Schmitt


September 9, 2015

FGFS - SF 2015 - Matt Reyes - Taishi Okuma - Mike T. Schmitt
San Francisco’s Tenderloin is one of those neighborhoods where the zombies never rest and if you listen close enough you can hear their yells booming down the block all day long. It’s a place where you quickly learn to watch your step due to all of the human shit stained along the sidewalk, the roaches crawling in the gutters and the occasional homeless dude you didn’t see sleeping against the wall. It’s a place I’ve called home for the last year and despite all the madness, I’m sure going to miss it. Some people say SF is loosing it’s character. I say those people haven’t hung out in the TL lately because this place has only gotten more hectic. Don’t just take my word for it, post up on Turk & Leavenworth and let me know what you think.


September 7, 2015


We’re in the middle of uprooting from out pad here in the Tenderloin as part of our yearly move and are going to set out in search of greener pastures. Who knows what the future holds, but whatever it is, we’re ready for it. Here are a couple photos of Mike T. Schmitt that were taken during the time we were showing Taishi Okuma around our native land of San Francisco.


August 25, 2015

Mike Schmitt - TURF Bikes - FGFS Whip Skid



Last Saturday the FIXIEBOYZ408 came to The City to hangout and ride for the day. We met up at Wallenberg and warmed up for a bit before exploring the neighborhood to ride some spots we haven’t been to in a while. Jimmy Watcha killed it as always, Daniel Le kicked a bunch of one footed cans throughout the day, and Peter Van Nguyen linked at least one technical line at every spot we went to. It was good to catch some photos of Spencer Siegrist for a change, especially considering the fact he’s there most of the time we’re out filming. After all was said and done, Mike Schmitt walked away with the photo of the day after skidding through a lone pile of sand. Check out more shots below and hit us up if you want to ride this weekend.


August 5, 2015

I slacked on posting this when it came out, but it’s better late than never. Especially when this is quite possibly the best TURF Tuesday yet. Mike Schmitt, Ian Walker, Shane Hunt and I met up at Potrero Skatepark after work to hang out and ride. We stacked some clips, got hassled by a couple kooks and hit a few local spots around the neighborhood before calling it a night. Check out some of the other TURF Tuesday videos HERE and keep your eyes out for number four coming out later this month.


July 29, 2015


It has been hot as hell here in San Francisco (relatively speaking) and we’ve been making the most of it by riding around town while catching a tan and drinking booze out of coconuts. Okay, maybe not that last bit, but it’s been remarkably hot lately. Earlier this month, Mike Schmitt, Bryan Dempler and I went out for a refreshing ride along The Bay where there is usually a cool breeze and some abandoned areas to explore. There’s been a ton of construction going on and these vacant spaces are getting harder and harder to find, which is why I’ve felt the need to capture them while they’re still there. My trusted 35mm Olympus OM1 has become a staple in our arsenal of camera gear, and is the one piece of equipment that I have on me at all times. That being said, Bryan and I played hot potato with the camera as we shot these photos throughout the day. Check out more below and be on the look out for other rolls coming out the pipeline. 07.11.2015


July 27, 2015




On Saturday the FIXIEBOYZ408 packed their bikes, piled into a van and drove up to San Francisco to ride with us for the day. We met up at 3rd & Army, and then ventured into Hunters Point from there. Our goal was to work our way to Hilltop park and hit whatever spots we found along the way until eventually arriving at San Francisco’s oldest skatepark, The Dish. After that we roamed around the neighborhood until we came across this abandoned school with a bunch of unique things to ride. Keep your eyes peeled for footage of this day coming from both us and the Fixie Boyz themselves. // 07.18.2015


July 27, 2015


Earlier in the day somebody asked if the skatepark was going to be crowded, but when we got there it looked like nobody had been there in years. Built in the 1970’s, “The Dish” is San Francisco’s oldest standing skatepark and is tucked away in the hills of Hunters Point. If you’re not familiar with the area, it’s notorious for being one of hardest neighborhoods in SF, and isn’t a spot you’d want to show up and session by yourself. I shot a couple photos of Mike Schmitt doing these one footed table tops on the tumorous hump that bulged out of the center of the dish. Then I handed the camera off to him and he shot this photo of one of the local kids with me airing overhead in the background. We brought up the idea of hosting an event here, but haven’t decided. What do you guys think?


July 20, 2015

It’s hard to tell how difficult some tricks are when they’re being blasted one after another, and you don’t have a chance to fully digest what happened. It’s an editing style that’s common in action sports and will either drops jaws or glue eyes to the screen. After I watch video part that’s almost too impressive it makes me either stoked to go out and ride, or throw in the towel and call it a day. So in an effort to humanize the whole experience, we decided to slow things down a bit and rewind some old footage from the last year.