August 27, 2018

With the move to Portland last Summer I knew I wanted to come out with a quick FGFS jammer and with the recent release of the “Still Pourland” video I figured now is as good a time as any to drop it. Some of it is in the full length, some of it isn’t. Either way it’s a fun little jammer built from the few days we filmed with everybody for the full length here in Portland. I’m really looking forward to bouncing back and being able bodied enough to ride the FGFS build again. Until then it’s been great having Jaoa Danaikrit around to point my camera at and live vicariously through. Keep your eyes peeled for another video of Jaoa dropping soon and pick up a copy of “Still Pourland” to see other sections of the video.

Song: Jo Manji V Technotronic – Pump Up The Jam
Filmed By: Ramon Antonio, Devin Tolman