See ya never 2017. Yesterday the sun came out, the ice melted and the roads dried off. So Devin Tolman, Ramon Antonio & I grabbed our wheels and hit the streets hard. Apparently seeing the sun this time of year is a real rarity. I still don’t believe it yet. In my mind the sun is shining everyday. It’s just hidden beneath a thick layer of clouds is all.
I’ve harshed Portland for not being a real city since we got here. But everyday, little by little, I’m starting to see it. Especially in these photos of us riding around it’s downtown. I’m so used to shooting in direct sunlight, that it’s nice to be somewhere where it both looks and feels brick out.
Check out 20-something more photos below, and keep your eyes peeled for more fixie content coming straight outta Portland. 2018 is less than a day away and it can’t be here soon enough.