I took these photos of Devon Lawson riding his FGFS build a while ago and figured I’d post a bike check for those curious as to what he’s on. If there’s one thing I miss about living in the East Bay its the endless amount of open space and industrial places we used to ride. I’m stoked that Dave & Gus moved to Alameda. It gives us more of a reason to ride some of these run down and abandoned spots. Check out more photos and read through the parts list below.
Dew Sippawit has been staying at our pad here in the Bay Area and whoever else has a couch fit to surf. We’ve been doing a lot more riding on the East Bay this year and have discovered a whole new array of spots in our own backyard. Be on the lookout for photos and videos coming form their stay in the states. Until then check out this photo that Jaoa shot of dew posted up next to his SKYLMT in Oakland’s China Town.
Photo Credit : Jaoa Danaikrit
Either Dew Sippawit has a twin or I need glasses. I took this photo of him while we filmed for his SKYLMT Part after last year’s Red Bull Ride & Style. With this year’s R&S rounding the corner, I’ve grown increasingly more anxious to see everyone, and need to start getting a head count for who will be staying at our pad. The city can haterblock the Federal banks as much as they’d like, at the end of the day there’s nothing that’ll stop us from riding this gem of a spot. Challenge accepted. On a less relevant note, I think I see a Zane beast lurking in the brush.
Here’s what I guess you’d call “the official video” to the 2012 AFC UPROAR Comp that went down last weekend. I teamed up w/ SKYLMT‘s very own Colby Elrick to cover the Pro Competition on the final day of the Expo. Shooting off of 3 different cameras, we were able to capture most, but not all of the truly amazing shit people were doing. I’m not sure what else to say, so I’ll just let the video speak for itself.