With the help of Zane Meyer and Omar Sebai I was able to chop together this highlight reel of the 2013 Red Bull Ride & Style. A lot of shit went down in San Francisco last weekend, and this is just a taste of it. I’ve been posting so much about this event that at this point I don’t even know what to say. I’m going to stop talking and let the video speak for itself. Enjoy.
I shot video in between heats of everybody during the 2013 Red Bull Ride & Style, but managed to catch a couple photos of Steven Jensen practicing foot jams during warm ups. He wooed the crowd by doing pogos in footjam for a minute, before riding fakie down the other side. Steven is the master of the funky combos and technical tricks, he’s always getting weird and pulling tricks out of his ass. Watching him ride continues to amaze me, and will always inspires me to be more creative.
Jonathan Davis was mobbing around the course like a bat out of hell, crushing everything that lied in his wake. His motorcycle helmet w/ the fuck the world decal really helped set the tone for what to expect from his riding. JD pulled one of the craziest tricks of the day when he double peg stalled the huge wallride in front of the judges booth. He was one of the few people to hit the wallride from quarter to quarter.
Posting shit about myself is always strange, but I had some screen shots from the 2013 Ride + Style video I made and figured I’d post them up anyways. Last weekend was too good. It was real rad to have everybody in town at the same time. Our house was pretty hectic to say the least. People fell asleep wherever they could find the space. There needs to be more events like this, it’s a good excuse to get all the homies together. Check out more screen shots below.
Joe McKeag’s transition game is so dialed, he really brought the heat at this year’s Red Bull Ride + Style. His spin tricks are so quick that if you blink at the wrong time, you might miss them. I can’t say this enough, big thanks to Zane Meyer and Omar Sebai for doing such a good job covering the event. You can thank them for these screen shots I’ve been posting. Joe was the only one to hit the hip on the big box, which he blasted a huge tabletop on (check below).
Elliott Milner really stepped it up at this year’s Red Bull Ride + Style hitting clean lines and busting tricks on obstacles that not many people would touch. His 360 going backwards up the wave was too slick (check below). The video Wolfdrawn recently put out of him is one of the sickest fixed freestyle parts to date. He finished 3rd this year, and is definitely someone to keep your eye on.
Here’s the official Ride & Style 2013 video put together by Red Bull. I always enjoy the recap that they put together each year because they take the time to interview the riders, and help fill in the blanks for people who may not know anything about the bike or event. Justin Herman Plaza is one of those places that is on lock down everyday of the year except this one. This is the one day we get to ride one of the most scenic parts of San Francisco. I’ve heard whispers of them moving the event to another city, but I guess we’ll have to wait and see. Can’t wait until next year.
Mike T. Schmitt and the announcer for the Golden State Warriors were the Master of Ceremonies at the 2013 Red Bull Ride & Style. He kept it real interesting with all the hilarious commentary on the riders. His inside knowledge on everybody over the years definitely payed off that day as he talked about my cat Stella, Devon “the people’s champ”, and how he spent christmas w/ the Santos family one year. I had so many people come up to me after the event and say how much they loved Mike on the mic. Definitely need to have him as an MC next year.