“We out here”. If you’ve ever been to San Francisco or joined us on a ride, then you’ve probably heard the term yelled by locals at the top of their lungs. It is the equivalent of a Bay Area bird call and is often said at the beginning of most conversations assuming both parties are outside. To quote The Mighty Ducks, and in the name of Coach Bombay, “Ducks fly together”. With daylight savings right around the corner, I’m looking forward to the Thursday Night group rides being back in effect in San Francisco. But until then, enjoy this new video featuring old footage from 2021.
Any given Thursday. You know the drill, every Thursday we meet up in San Francisco to ride track bikes and do a quick jaunt around the city. Patrick Fixie King usually hosts the ride out and posts the route the day before. We’ve done this route in years past, but have never captured it on video, until now that is. Shout out to everyone who comes out to these and if you live in the area, you should definitely come ride with us sometime. The more the merrier. We’ll see you next time.
It’s that time of year and the last one there is a rotten egg. Dash 4 The Cash is an all out sprint from the highest point in San Francisco to the iconic Clocktower. There’s only one route and no telling what the next intersection is going to be like. Shout out to everybody who helps make these events happen. All bikes welcome.
Young Tool is a hometown hero in the Bay Area. If you know of Tool then I’m sure you’ve seen him work the bars and wild out at any given ride out or hang out spot. Jake Lanich, Patrick Curley AKA “Patrick Fixie King” & I met up with him in downtown San Francisco. The streets were wet, the air was warm, and there was hardly a car on the road in the Financial district. We took full advantage of both that and all of the glowing lights from the new bus terminal and convention center. Looking forward to this whole lockdown business to be over with so we can all attempt to get back to life as we used to know it. Times change, but the will to ride lives on.

PKT or better known as “Thursday Night Rides” pop off every week during the summer here in San Francisco. Everyone links up at Bike Kitchen in the Mission and embarks on a different city loop every week. I caught one of them and brought my camera along for the ride. It was nice to only have to carry a single camera for a change. Usually I’m geared up with the full kit, but for this I decided to drop everything off at home and keep it light. Shout out to Patrick Fixie King & Phixed Bikes for organizing so many meetups in the Bay Area. Y’all are really doing great working bringing the community together.
Mission Crit 6 is just days away and we’re getting really hyped to head back up to San Francisco for it. The planets are going to align this year as the race falls on 420.(A sacred holiday in the bike community) It basically a be there or be there type of situation this year so start making those arrangements and we’ll see you there. Until then, enjoy this video of our ride before heading over to watch the start of Mission Crit 5.
I met Patrick Curley in Sacramento after NAHBS earlier this year and have been hanging out with him more and more now that he lives in San Francisco. He’s a part of the Sacaframa crew, which has created quite a name for themselves in the track scene over the last year. They’ve lit a fire under my ass and have played a huge part in getting me stoked on track bikes again. Check out more photos of Patrick with his MASH Cinelli Bolt below and be on the look out for more coming soon.