The dudes over at Red Bull really one upped themselves with the construction of this year’s Over/Under mini drome. 64 riders from around the world came out to shred, sweat & battle it out on this a one of a kind figure 8 track. On top of competing in the race, Mike Schmitt & I filmed a ton during the event and put together this video of the night as it unfolded. Read more below to check out Red Bull’s official recap as well as a bunch of screen shots from our video.
I brought my 35mm camera with me to the Red Bull Mini Drome in New york and shot these 8 photos through out the night. Mike Schmitt and I also shot a bunch of video during the event and are going to release a highlight reel in the next couple of days. Until then check out more photos below.
The moment Mike Schmitt & I caught wind of the Red Bull Over / Under event in NYC we immediately looked up tickets and made arrangements to attend. It seemed like a good excuse to travel and ride street somewhere other than our own backyard. We landed the day of practice, got in a couple laps and showed up the next night for the big event. The head to head races were made up of 32 of the best fixed gear riders from all over the globe. Only one person from each race would advance to the next bracket and have to ride another 5 laps around the figure 8 Mini Drome. After making it through the first few rounds of eliminations, I knew I’d have to go up against my good friend and fierce adversary Addison Zawada . That time finally came when we crossed paths in the semi-finals and I washed out and fell coming into the second lap. After that Addison advanced to the finals and came home with the gold. Big thanks to everyone who helped make this event happen and I look forward to seeing where they take it from here. Check out an IG clip of our race below.
Mike T. Schmitt and I made the trip out to NYC last weekend for the Red Bull Figure 8 Mini Drome Race in Queens. The course carried your momentum a lot more than we originally anticipated and we were constantly riding the edge of pedaling like a madman while trying to keep things in control. Mike was on the tail of his competitor in the first round when his front wheel washed out and he hit the deck running. After the early elimination Mike spent a lot of time behind the camera, filming the rest of the race as things began to pick up. Read more below to check out a spectators view of the crash.