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Massan Fluker


September 4, 2017

Massan Fluker rolled into The Bay Area just in time to be here to see the Golden State Warriors win the 2015 NBA Championships. These photos are mad old at this point, but I figured they were still worth the share. This was the first time we got the Chrome Familia together in what seemed like forever. Jealous of the sweet Warriors memorabilia. Those shades look sick af.

Check out more photos below


December 7, 2015

Massan Fluker & Matt Reyes - SF 2015

Processed with VSCOcam with c8 preset
With only one day left in town, Massan Fluker and I linked up in the Tenderloin to cut loose and shoot some footage before he hopped on a plane back to NYC. We only had a couple hours of daylight left, but it didn’t take much. After a handful of runs down through the neighborhood, we had more than enough to cut together a little something from our afternoon. The homie Matt Pittman from “Create Folly” happened to be in town and cruised by to shoot these photos. Keep your eyes peeled and your ear to the street for the video of Massan dropping later this week. Until then Head over to Create Folly to check out more photos.