I don’t usually make these types of videos, but with my recent injury / move from Portland, I finally had enough of a reason to shoot something like this. It feels like I’m watching home movies. Perhaps I’ll make more of these for personal / historical reasons. I’m still healing from more than just a broken shoulder but wanted to take a second to give a major shout out to Jaynie, Ernie & Jeff for always helping me keep things positive. You’re the best.
We all woke up feeling crispy the day after Jaoa Danaikrit’s Birthday. That being said we decided to keep it mellow and spend the day at the arcade. Ground Kontrol is one of our local watering holes and is an endless source of entertainment. Afterwards we decided to take the long way home and go for a quick jaunt through “Forest Park” to show Devon and Anthony some of the other things the great state of Oregon has to offer. I think we bit off more than we could chew when both Jaoa and I started to bonk halfway along the trail. Never the less, we all made it home in one piece. Just in time to BBQ before the sun went down. It was really amazing to have all the homies in town at the same time, and I already miss having Jaoa around the house. We’ll have to get the band back together more often. Until next time.
We turned things up to eleven this year for Jaoa Danaikrit’s Birthday. It felt like a reunion, or better yet like we were getting the band back together having most of the original Wheel Talk team assembled for the first time in a long time. Jaoa flew back to Thailand yesterday and my heart already misses him. I’m really glad that we had the chance to celebrate his Birthday before he left and even more glad that Anthony & Devon came to add to the celebration. Until next time my dudes, and happy birthday Jaoa. Another good year.
Last weekend we hosted a ride / video premiere for everyone up here in Portland. We wanted to give the community a chance to see the Super Bowl Sunday video they’re in before we released it online. It seemed like a good excuse to get the crew together, and with weather in the 70’s it worked out beautifully.
We kicked things off where we usually do. Underneath the westside of the Burnside bridge, and after a couple quick brews we hit the streets in force. We made our way south along the hillside and headed to Sellwood Park so that Ernie could hop outta the my bag and rip around with some of his dog homies. He’s glad we made the pitstop. After that we cruised to Chrome PDX for drinks & the premiere of 2 new Track bike videos. The “Super Bowl Sunday” feature and an unreleased fixie video filmed in San Francisco. I’ll be getting that one online in the next coming weeks so keep your eyes peeled and as always, check out a bunch more photos below. Cheers. We’ll see you at the next one.
Halloween at Burnside pops off. I heard it was going to be a riot, but I wasn’t sure what to expect. Then I went, and now I know. People were punching each other in the face, losing teeth, shredding the park, getting trashed, having laughs and having a good old fashioned rager beneath the bridge. I’m pretty sure everybody went home with a scab that night. It was heaven. Looks like I have a new holiday ritual.
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