Aáron Borrás from PRFIXED was out on the course popping off photos as we rode the ramps at this year’s Fijate. With nothing but Gasolina keeping us going we went hard in this unfamiliar climate, using our shirts as towels, instead of articles of clothing. Dunking our heads in water, and putting ice in our hats didn’t seem to have much effect as we melted beneath the hot Puerto Rican sun. There didn’t seem to be much escape from the humidity, but I don’t think any of us really care as we rode our bikes, and hung out w/ the locals in what has to be the best vacation I’ve ever been on. See more below
Here’s a photo of Anthony Combs at this year’s Fijate in Puerto Rico. It was hot as hell and humid beyond belief, the entire time we were there. We were constantly fighting to keep cool and hydrated, using every means necessary. Whether it was a water bottle shower, nuke warm Medalla, or a good old fashion Puerto Rican Gatorade “Gasolina“. I didn’t think it was possible, but I’m pretty sure I sweated out just about everything I drank. Hardly went pee at all during the trip.
Here’s a bunch of Instagram photos that I took during our trip to Puerto Rico for this year’s Fijate 2012. The guys from PRFIXED flew a bunch of us out there to put on a demo and help promote the Fixed Freestyle scene on their tropical island home. Words can not even begin to describe the amount of fun we all had during our short stay in one of the most beautiful locations I’ve ever been. The friendly locals, wild nightlife, insane street spots, and strong sense of community between cyclists made this a trip that I’ll never forget. Can’t wait until next years Fijate.