Tyler Johnson came to Portland to ride with us the month before I moved to LA and brought with him a trick or two I’ve never seen in person before “The Deathtruck”. Locals Devin Tolman & Ramon Antonio held it down for their hometown and brought us to a spot or two we’ve never been to. If you’re ever in town holler a Devin, he knows all the best photo spots. Shout out to the homie Bryce from Belonging for providing the amazing soundtrack to this video. I highly recommend you check out more of their work, especially if you’re in the PNW and are into live music. Anyways, we’ll have to make a trip up North sometime soon to visit everyone. What do you think? Next stop Seattle?
SONG: BELONGING – Birdcatcher Bandcamp // IG // FB

Tyler Johnson is one of the Fixie Founding Fathers and pioneered a lot of tricks that were never before done on a fixed gear drive train. If you know, you know, and if you don’t, get to know your FGFS history. There’s been a bunch of great re-uploads on “Fixed Gear Archive” I highly recommend you browse through it when you have some time.
Anyways, here are a bunch of photos I took during the filming of the latest Wheel Talk video entitled “Suffering”. I miss how perfectly gloomy Portland was all the time. It made for some nice overcast light on the days that things were dry. This was a fun day, and I’m glad TJ came to town to collaborate and capture these moments together. Until next time everyone.

We’re always looking for a new roof to ride on and lucky for us Portland’s downtown is packed full of empty parking garages. All of which have an elevator that takes you straight to the top. Ideal for most hang out situations, we highly recommend you check your local listings and find a parking structure near you. Just because it’s built for cars doesn’t mean we can’t have our fun. Check out more photos as well as the video from this day below. As always shout out to JEF for lacing us up with the soundtrack, which is listed down there as well.
Song: JEF – Room Kid

Devin Tolman is your Portland connect if you’re ever looking for somebody to ride bikes and shoot photos with. He’s an avid photographer himself and is an excellent person to have around when it comes to camera questions & conversations. It’s always good having another set of eyes on deck.
Devin is one of the few homies I know who is runs a 650 up front (for obvious reasons) and has a true Tarck bike. His Thrasher is one of those iconic builds that really takes me back to 2009, before 26″ became a thing and everyone was still focused on keo tricks. It’s awesome to see things come full circle as another fixie resurgence begins to take shape and more people start building up 700c setups designed for tricks. Bring back trick track.
We’re always looking for a new roof to ride on and lucky for us Portland’s downtown is packed full of empty parking garages. All of which have an elevator that takes you straight to the top. Ideal for most hang out situations, we highly recommend you check your local listings and find a parking structure near you. Just because it’s built for cars doesn’t mean we can’t have our fun.
We turned things up to eleven this year for Jaoa Danaikrit’s Birthday. It felt like a reunion, or better yet like we were getting the band back together having most of the original Wheel Talk team assembled for the first time in a long time. Jaoa flew back to Thailand yesterday and my heart already misses him. I’m really glad that we had the chance to celebrate his Birthday before he left and even more glad that Anthony & Devon came to add to the celebration. Until next time my dudes, and happy birthday Jaoa. Another good year.
“Want to go on a long bike ride in Industrial North West with me?” This was the message I got from Devin Tolman right when I got back into town from Vacation with the Fam. After a week of relaxing and not having a bike around it felt good to get back on the saddle. Ernie came with us… Naturally.
I can’t believe that Summer is rounding out to a close and that it’s already starting to look like fall here in Portland. The leaves are beginning to change, it’s rained the last couple days, and we’re already back to the constant layer of clouds blocking out the sun. But you know what? I couldn’t be happier about it. Portland looks the best under these conditions and I’m really glad Devin Tolman got met out there to enjoy it. He’s one of the few friends I have who has an equal passion for photography and exploring places that say “No Trespassing”. Like that ever stopped anyone. lulz.
It’s Super Bowl Sunday here in Portland and this is the 4th year in a row that we’ve assembled the community to ride bikes and cause a ruckus instead of watching the big game. Bikes > Football. It’s a special time of year and we always use it as a good excuse to get out and film a day video. I always bring a football (which we lost in the river), some jerseys and whatever other sports props I can find. It’s never much, but it’s always enough to make things a little more interesting.
With more than 20 of Portland’s finest + Jacob Ruff who came down from Seattle to ride, we kicked things off right and kept the good times going. There’s a strong contingency of riders lurking around PDX. More and more keep coming out of the woodwork and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down. Keep your eyes peeled for more coming out of the Pacific Northwest, and if you live in Portland lets ride sometime. Press play, check out a bunch of screenshots below.