Young Tool is a hometown hero in the Bay Area. If you know of Tool then I’m sure you’ve seen him work the bars and wild out at any given ride out or hang out spot. Jake Lanich, Patrick Curley AKA “Patrick Fixie King” & I met up with him in downtown San Francisco. The streets were wet, the air was warm, and there was hardly a car on the road in the Financial district. We took full advantage of both that and all of the glowing lights from the new bus terminal and convention center. Looking forward to this whole lockdown business to be over with so we can all attempt to get back to life as we used to know it. Times change, but the will to ride lives on.

San Francisco is best known for one thing, hills. Steep ones. The kind of hills that make you go “please tell me we’re not walking up that”. The kind of hills that give you a nose bleed by the time you get to the top. Those hills.
For the 3rd year in a row we celebrated the Red Bull Bay Climb hosted by Mission Crit & and yours truly, James Grady. Set with an amazing backdrop, this 3 block course runs grades of up to 21% degrees. Enough to make even the spectators tired. @SLAMDUNKERNIE & I were on the scene with our camera in hand ready to capture all the action.
Last month I was in San Francisco riding bikes for a couple weeks. I brought with me the usual slough of camera gear as well as the GoPro / Gimbal setup. It’s really fun to ride around and film without worrying about what you’re framing up. It’s basically a point and shoot video camera. Similarly to the trial and errors of shooting film, I was bummed when I realized I didn’t format the card correctly and subsequently corrupted the rest of the footage we shot that day. Oh well, at least this one clip made it out unscaved so we could chop together this little jammer. Enjoy.
I can barely even walk up this hill. Maybe I’m speaking for myself, but I’m sure I wasn’t the only one who felt this way. Red Bull always delivers the goods when it comes to events and creative content. This was no exception. With 3 city blocks and a 21% grade standing in your way, everybody was feeling the pain by the time they made it to the top of San Francisco’s De Haro Street.
“What’s your ratio?” All anybody could talk about. Is basically the slogan for the day. Sums up the entire event, I wouldn’t change a thing. We used to film a lot of skateboard videos down De Haro, and I’ll be the first to say that it’s no joke. Bury you alive, cross your t’s, dot your i’s type of shit. This event was in part reaction to the downhill race Red Bull hosted on De Haro a couple years ago. Check that out HERE. The most entertaining portion of the day was watching all the fixies make their way up the hill. It was like watching the little engine that could. I’m proud to be part of that train.
Check out more below.