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Bone Machine Crit


August 15, 2018

Bone Machine Crit 2018 popped off in Portland last month and it completely turned the city on it’s head. With riders from across the country competing in a weekend packed full of events the sense of community was strong here in the PNW.

Shout out to all the sponsors, volunteers, and everyone who came out to contribute to the good times. Check out some screen shots + the results below and we’ll see you next year.


July 12, 2018

Things were heating up at this year’s Bone Machine Crit in Portland. With temperatures in the 90s and riders from all over the country things were bound to pop off. We had New York in the house, fixies from San Francisco, homies from LA, and even some of our neighbors in Seattle came out to represent for the PNW. Chrome Industries rolled up in the Van, setup shop, and sold shoes for $1 a shoe. It was pretty funny to see peoples reactions to such a ridiculous opportunity to cop some new kicks. The bike polo matches raged on throughout the day despite the heat and direct sunlight. They probably had it harder than anyone. I hope they all wore sunblock and didn’t get too roasted.

This event meant a lot to the bike community out here. It’s not everyday that we have our friends from outta town pay us a visit. And with the fixed gear scene back on the rise I think it’s safe to say that Bone Machine Crit will be back again next year. Until then enjoy some of the photos I caught in between shooting video. More below.


July 12, 2018

On the second day of Bone Machine Crit too bad it’s not 12 days long, that way we could make our own rendition of that one Christmas song. All that aside, Saturday was a day packed full of bike polo matches, gold sprints, an alley cat and to tie it all together, a bike show put on by Amy Danger. Shout out to Bone Machine for hosting these events. Western Bike Works for letting me spill a beer during gold sprints and being cool about it. And of course anybody else who helped coordinate or make this shit happen. Check out more photos below and keep your eyes peeled for more shots from “Race Day”.


July 7, 2018

Yesterday we met up at Alpenrose Velodrome and tee’d off what’s about to be an amazing weekend for fixies of all shapes and sizes. Shout out to BONE MACHINE CRIT for orchestrating the good times and giving us a reason to get the band together here in Portland. It’s been 2 years since the last crit that they hosted here in town and we’re glad they decided to bring it back this year.

Here are a bunch of images from the couple hours we spent hanging out and spinning out on one of the steepest Velodromes on the West Coast. The corners are said to be roughly 42-44 degrees making it nearly impossible to stand on and even more fun to ride. Check out 32 more photos below and come kick it with us this weekend if you’re anywhere near the Portland area. It’s gunna be a blast.